My Number Six

Rabu, 16 Mei 2012


*Kanji :


混ざり合う 黒と白 緩やかに 浮遊して

照らされた 赤と青 指先で 絡ませた

空と 光が 混ざり合い 織り成す

君と 僕の 協奏曲

塞いでた 青の時 足枷に 問いかけて

「何故僕は 生まれたの」 溢れ出す 旋律

弦が 切れて 止め処ない 在り様

揺れて 消えた しゃぼん玉。

いつか あの空のように 段々に 君と 揺れていたい

言葉よりも 堕ちて行こう いつかまた 何処か 会えるはずさ

ずっと ずっと 遠くの 貴方へ。


水彩と 光彩と 沈みこむ 予定調和

「何故君は 泣いてるの」 溢れ出す 旋律

空と 光が 混ざり合い 織り成す

君と 僕の 協奏曲

弦が 切れて 止め処ない 在り様

揺れて 消えた しゃぼん玉。

いつか あの空のように 段々に 君と 揺れていたい

言葉よりも 堕ちて行こう いつかまた 何処か 会えるはずさ

ずっと ずっと 遠くの 貴方へ。


*Romaji :


mazariau kuro to shiro yuruyaka ni fuyuushite
terasareta aka to ao yubisaki de karamaseta

sora to hikari ga mazariai orinasu

kimi to boku no kyousoukyoku

fusaideta ao no toki ashikase ni toikakete

'naze boku wa umareta no' afuredesu senritsu

gen ga kirete tomedonai ari sama

yurete kieta shabon dama

itsuka ano sora no you ni dandan ni kimi to yureteitai

kotoba yori mo ochite ikou itsuka mata dokoka aeru hazusa
zutto zutto tooku no anata e

koboreteku namida nagareteku* toki ni utsushidesareta mizuiro no guradeeshon

suisai to kousai to shizumikomu yoteichouwa

'naze kimi wa naiteru no' afuredesu senritsu

sora to hikari ga mazariai orinasu

kimi to boku no kyousoukyoku

gen ga kirete tomedonai ari sama

yurete kieta shabon dama

itsuka ano sora no youni dandan ni kimi to yureteitai

kotoba yori mo ochite ikou itsuka mata dokoka aeru hazusa

zutto zutto tooku no anata e

*Eng.Translation :


Aptly blending, black and white, floating leisurely
Illuminated, red and blue, entwined at the fingertip

Blend the sky and the light, they weave and form
The concerto that is yours and mine

At the time of blue which has closed, I asked my shackles
"What was I born for?"; the overflowing melody

The string snaps, in this endless manner
The soap bubble quivered and disappeared.

Someday, like that sky over there, I want to sway with you, gradually
Words are more likely to keep falling, I expect I'll meet you someday and somewhere
Surely, surely, towards you in the distance.

The spilling tears were reflected in the flowing time, by the gradation of the colour of water.

Watercolours and splendour, the arranged harmony which ebbs
"What are you crying for?"; the overflowing melody

Blend the sky and the light, they weave and form
The concerto that is yours and mine

The string snaps, in this endless manner
The soap bubble quivered and disappeared.

Someday, like that sky over there, I want to sway with you, gradually

Words are more likely to keep falling, I expect I'll meet you someday and somewhere
Surely, surely, towards you in the distance.

Credit : JpopAsia & Akatsuki Wareta

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