My Number Six

Sabtu, 09 Juni 2012


Can you hear me? 嘆きの鐘と ざわめく鉄の針葉樹
Select due to the Lord
眩い午後に 不意に 少女は声を聞く

奇跡を 欲しがって 弱さに目を逸らす
細く 白い 可憐な手に 旗は掲げられ

I just realize
誓いの果てに 求めていた 光があると
I believe in me 薔薇を踏みしめて 百合よ咲き誇れ

Why you selected me
迷いの声も 掻き消し 盲目に進む
She finally served
約束の果て 彼女はただ 投げ捨てられた

唇を噛み締め 祖国を見つめても
呼び続けた 貴方の声 もう 聞こえない

What’s left of me
試練の果てに 求めていた 光があると
I believe in you 耳を澄まして 救いを信じた

決め込まれた あぁ 不条理な回答
堰を切って 言う まだ 生きたいと 生きたいと

Why you not?
Tell me why
Tell me why
Tell me why
Tell your lies

I just realise
それでも きっと 貴方の名前を呼び続け
I believe in me 炎に抱かれ 百合と咲き誇れ


Can you hear me? Nageki no kane to zawameku tetsu no shinyouju
Select due to the Lord
Mabayui gogo ni fui ni shoujo wa koe o kiku

Kiseki o hoshigatte yowasa ni me o sorasu
Katamuita hi wa terasezuni
Hosoku shiroi karenna te ni hata wa kakagerare

I just realize
Chikai no hate ni motometeita hikari ga aru to
I believe in me bara o fumishimete yuri o sakihokore

Why you selected me
Mayoi no koe mo kakikeshi moumoku ni susumu
She finally served
Yakusoku no hate kanojo wa tada nagesuterareta

Kuchibiru o kamishime sokoku o mitsumete mo
Urumu keshiki wa toozakaru
Yobi tsudzuketa anata no koe mou kikoenai

What's left of me
Shiren no hate ni motometeita hikari ga aru to
I believe in you mimi o sumashite sukui o shinjita

Kimekomareta aa fujourina kaitou
Seki o kitte iu mada ikitai to ikitai to

Why you not?
Tell me why
Tell me why
Tell me why
Tell your lies

I just realise
Soredemo kitto anata no namae o yobitsudzuke
I believe in me honoo ni dakare yuri to sakihokore


"Can you hear me?" The bell of sorrow is ringing and the conifers of iron are rustling;
Select due to the Lord
In the stunningly beautiful afternoon you can hear the voice of a young lady.

As if she'd wish for a miracle, she turns away her eyes from the weakness
As the sinking sun cease shining on her,
She holds the flag into her tender and white lovely tiny hands.

"I just realize
That at the end of the vow there's the light I've been searching for.
I believe in me; I'll thread through the roses and make the lilies bloom!"

"Why you selected me?"
Her already fainted voice vanishes, but she keeps on going.
She finally served,
Yet at the end of the promise, she was simply disposed of.

Even if you bite your lips and seek for your homeland
The dim scenery is distancing itself
And your screaming voice can' t be heard anymore.

"What's left of me?
At the end of the trial there must be the light I've been searching for.
I believe in you, I opened my ears and and believed in my salvation."

You took it for granted... ah... the absurd answer...
Break the wall and say "I want to keep on living, I want to live!".

Why you not?
Tell me why
Tell me why
Tell me why
Tell your lies

I just realise
Even so, I'll keep calling your name.
I believe in me, I'll let myself embraced by fire and make the lilies bloom!

Bisakah kau mendengarku? Lonceng penderitaan berdering dan pohon jarum berdesir
Memilih yang menjadi hak raja
Dalam sore yang indah mempesona kau mendengar suara seorang gadis

Seolah dia mengharapkan keajaiban, dia palingkan matanya dari kelemahan
Seraya cahaya matahari terbenam melenyapkannya,
Dia pegang bendera dalam kelembutan dan tangan kecil putih yang bagus

Aku sadari
Bahwa pada akhirnya disana ada cahaya, aku harus mencarinya
Ku percaya pada diriku, ku kan terus lewati mawar dan membuat lili mekar

Kenapa kau memilihku?
Suaranya telah redup, tapi dia masih tetap pergi
  Dia akhirnya menjalani,
Namun di akhir janji, dia dengan mudahnya melepaskan

Bila kau pun mengigit bibirmu dan mencari tanah lahirmu
  Pemandangan suram menjauhinya sendiri
  Dan suara teriakanmu tak terdengar lagi

Apa yang tertinggal dariku?
Pada akhir jalan itu harus jadi cahaya yang telah kucari
Ku percaya padamu, ku membuka telinga dan percaya pada keselamatanku

Kau menganggapnya pasti… ah… jawaban yang tak masuk akal
Hancurkan dinding dan katakan, “ku ingin hidup, ku tetap ingin hidup!”

Tidakkah kamu?
Katakan padaku kenapa
katakan padaku kenapa
Katakan padkau kenapa
 Katakan kebohonganmu

Ku sadari
Meskipun ku tetap memanggil namamu
Aku percaya pada diriku, aku kan membiarkan diriku dipeluk oleh api dan membuat lili mekar

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