My Number Six

Sabtu, 09 Juni 2012



ただ 流れてゆく風景
何も 感じなくなっていた
思い焦がれてゆく 君の音
今は 過去に置き忘れていた
あぁ 影絵さえ 消えた

ただ 流れてゆく情景
何故に 人は行き交うのかと
そっと 胸に手、当ててみても
虚しく 刻まれていく実感

宛てなく 生まれ落ちた 数億の生の中
あなたと 出会えたよ

零れ 落ちた雫、涙 永久の途中
透明な 其の君の笑顔が
心の底に 消えない炎 点けたまま

永遠は 君のもと沈み落ちる
落日の鳥達は 明日へ向かい
愛した記憶だけ 僅かに僕を繋ぐ
金色に染められた 世界は暮れ


tada nagarete yuku fuukei
nani mo kanji naku natteita
omoi kogarete yuku kimi no ne
ima wa kako ni oki wasureteita
koe wa todokanai
aa kagee sae kieta

tada nagarete yuku joukei
naze ni hito wa yuki kau no toka
sotto muneni te atete mitemo
munashiku kizamarete iku jikkan

atenaku umare ochita suuoku no sei no naka
anata to deaetayo

kobore ochita shizuku, namida towa no tochuu
kotae wa denai kedo
toumei na sono kimi no egao ga
kokoro no soko ni kienai houo o tsuketa mama
omoide no naka

eien wa kimi no moto shizumi ochiru
rakujitsu no tori tachi wa asu e mukai
aishita kioku dake wazuka ni boku wo tsunagu
konjiki ni somerareta sekai wa kure


Just a passing scenary
(I) couldn't feel a thing anymore
Your sound that I yearned for in my mind
is now left in the past, forgotten
its voice can't be heard
Aah so long as the shadow picture disappeared

Just a passing scene
for some reasons, people go back and forth
even if quietly, they try to calm themselves
In vain, those true feelings are engraved in them

without an address, born, among the millions of lives
I finally met you

the leftovers, the drops of tears that fell
even though there's no answer in the midst of eternity
(but) that transparent smile of yours, light up the unfading flame as it is at the bottom of (my) heart
in the midst of (my) memories

(Life has changed
U and I)

Eternity sinks in by your side
the birds at the setting sun, facing towards a tomorrow
just the memories I loved, slightly connect my heart
the world that could be dyed a golden color, ends

- words in brackets --> ( ) are not directly written in the original lyrics but are implied meanings [based on my interpretations anyway...] when translated to english
- Shou said some english in the middle, but those lines in italics were the only ones i could catch orz...
- song analysis -  this is just my own interpretation, so if you have some other ideas, feel free to share ^^
This song has a theme of a meeting. So the song's like meeting with your other self. I-the void is basically what the title suggests, a void, an intermediate, like a crossing over, the intersection or sth like that. II-the luv concludes all these and emphasizes the connection between the two opposites. I'll say more of them when i'm done translating them~
going stanzas by stanzas: the first one is like, "you" realized that there's something else in you, but 'you' couldn't be sure because there's a shadow there, and 'you've' somewhat forgotten about it, but in the subconscious, "you" probably realized it's there. in the second one: people all probably have different sides to themselves, but they might not want to acknowledge it, but the thing is whether u want it or not, they're there; 3rd: "born out of those million lives, i met [the] you" - something like after all those experiences, everything that happened till now, "you' finally discovered that other self. 4th/chorus: now that u've discovered that self, 'you' feel its beauty, 'you' embrace its presence and once 'you' realize it, it won't disappear anymore. 5th: that's why the other 'you' that 'you' discovered oh man, this is confusing... is now in eternity, because once u know sth exist, u can't erase it from ur mind anymore right? and the last few lines set the stage for the next song.



Pemandangan hanya terus berlalu
Datang ke titik yang ku merasa tak ada apa-apa
  Keinginanku adalah dirimu
Tapi sekarang aku sudah meninggalkannya di masa lalu
Suaraku tak menjangkaumu, bayanganmu pun menghilang

Pemandangan hanya terus berlalu
Mengapa orang hanya datang dan pergi?
Meskipun aku perlahan arahkan tanganku ke dadaku,
  Aku gagal menorehkan waktu yang telah kita habiskan
  Tanpa tujuan, kita terus lahir dalam hidup

Aku bertemu denganmu adalah takdir
  Seperti tetesan yang jatuh

Di jalan menuju keabadian, jawaban tidak akan keluar, tapi
Jika senyumanmu bersama dengan api yang tak akan padam dalam lubuk hatiku
  Kau akan menjadi kenanganku

Memang menentang elemen
Mereka mirip satu sama lain seperti kembar
  Cahaya dan bayangan
  Kau dan aku

Selamanya aku akan meresap dalam dirimu
  Burung-burung menghadapi hari esok
Hanya kenangan itu yang aku cintai sedikit menjalinku denganmu
  Kau tercelup dalam dunia gelap

Credit : &

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